Satın AlSünnetin kökenleri, uygulanma nedenleri, uygulanma sıklığı ve sünnet yaşının erken boşalma üzerindeki rolü bu kitapta etraflıca ele alınmıştır.
Araştırmamız doğrultusuna, Türkiye’de 7 yaş ve üstünde sünnet olan erkeklerin yetişkinlik döneminde erken boşalmayla karşılaşma riski oldukça yüksek olduğu gözlemledik.
Bu kitabın varlığının sebebi; erkeklerin sünnetli olduğu toplumlardaki erkek çocuklarının; iğdişlik korkusundan babayla bir özdeşim serüveninden önce (0-3 yaş) sünnet ettirilmesi gerektiğini duyurabilmektir.
Psychologist Hoşrik completed his bachelor’s degree in Ankara University. He later worked as a research assistant in the department of Experimental Psychology. He got his master’s degree in the Psychology of Religion department in which he is currently doing his doctoral degree. He is currently working in the Ministry of Family and Social Policies.
Back Cover: By giving information on the origins of circumcision ritual and practice of this ritual from past to present, this book especially attract attention to circumcision age and its probable effects on sexual dysfunctions that a man can experience during his adulthood. According to the findings of our research that provides basis to this book, it has been confirmed that the risk of premature ejaculation for men in Turkey who were circumcised at 7 years and above age range is on a significantly high level. In the societies where almost every men is circumcised, circumcision of a child before Oedipus complex occurs in the phallic stage, has a very important effect while identifying himself with his father. In this book it has been presented that the reason why being circumcised at phallic stage (3-7 years) in societies like Turkey where circumcision has been practiced for religious reasons and it has been considered as a child’s transition to manhood, increases the risk of premature ejaculation by discussing this subject within the frame work of developmental theories.
Not: Kitabın dili İngilizce’dir. Henüz Türkçe baskısı yoktur.